Friday, October 8, 2010


A few months ago, I went to happy hour with a couple of girlfriends. We sat on the patio and ate and drank and laughed. (Well, everyone but Sarah; she's pregnant and our current designated driver.) It was bright outside so I reached into my purse to grab my sunglasses and instead pulled out a pair of spiderman underwear. We died laughing. It seems that even when you try to get away, you never stop being a mom. It made me think of some of the signs that you are a mom.
  • Your car smells like sour milk from numerous instances when your little one has spilled his drink while you were driving.
  • For that matter, you car is usually a mess...filled with various toys, used baby wipes, dropped and forgotten crackers, etc.
  • You have the PBS line-up of morning shows memorized.
  • Your wardrobe is planned around your child. When they are babies, you make sure to pick colors that hide spit up...when they are older, you make sure you can bend over and pick up a screaming child without showing more than you intend to show.
  • You know which libraries offer story time and when.
  • You know the theme song to Caillou by heart.
  • While driving, you can reach into your bag, find a toy (or a sucker) and pass it to your child in the backseat to stop the screaming, all without taking your eyes off the road.
  • You can read your child's favorite bedtime stories without so much as a glance at the book.
  • You know that when your child tells you they have a feber that they really mean fever.
  • You can put in a car seat in under 60 seconds.
  • You have mommy brain and lose your train of thought frequently.
  • Your heart breaks every time your child hurts.
  • One smile from your child can instantly make your heart melt.

I'm sure there are other signs, but as I said, I have mommy brain and can't remember them.


Amelia and Erik Lambson said...

100% true. I love mommyhood!

Sheri said...

All true! also, I can't wear jewelry around Evan. He has already destroyed 2 of my bracelets and one necklace. You'd think I'd be wise by the fourth one. I'm blaming it on mommy brain. :)