Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jack Needs His Nap

Jack has always been a good sleeper, but for any of you who have seen him in action, this should be obvious. He is so active, that he really needs his sleep. We get a good 10-11 hours at night and a 2-3 hour nap during the day. Lately, Jack is resisting his nap. No, he isn't outgrowing it...not yet. He just doesn't want to take it. Last week when I told him it was time for his rest, he replied, "I have no time to go to sleep." (I know how he feels.)

Even if he doesn't sleep, he has to stay in his bed for at least 1 hour before he can get up. About once a week he refuses to sleep. The result is a cranky kid in the evening. When he skipped his nap last week, he was such a lunatic that we had dinner early...about 5pm. As I am cleaning up the dinner dishes, I noticed it was too quiet in the house. Stuart and I looked for Jack and found him passed out in the family room at 5:30pm...slept until after 6 the next morning.

Poor baby!

1 comment:

Sheri said...

Evan is at the stage where he is out growing his naps but still gets tired around 4. It's bad because if he takes a nap, he's up until 11 and if he doesn't then we all want to pull our hair out by 7.

That picture is adorable.