Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stay Tuned...

I know I haven't posted anything new in awhile. I have a good excuse. For those who don't know, I have pneumonia. It sucks. I have never felt this bad...ever. I got sick a week before Christmas. I am feeling a little better, but am still having trouble breathing. At least the worst of it seems to be over and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Luckily, I was well enough to get through Christmas, although I wasn't able to complete my shopping and it was Stuart that was impacted by that. I'm trying to be patient as the doctor said it takes a few weeks to recover.

Stuart took good care of me when he wasn't working. He has done all the shopping, cooking, and caring for Jack. On days he was at the office, it was a big struggle. Many times, I just cried because I didn't think I could handle another second. Jack was so sweet. He would see me crying and come grab both sides of my face while he looked at me with concern. He would then give me a hug and pat my back, saying repeatedly, "what happened? what happened?" (I do that when he comes to me crying.) I just love this kid! He is so loving.

Anyway, I have lots of new Jack stuff to share and will try to get caught up as I am feeling up to it. Stay tuned for more info...


Sheri said...

I wish we lived closer. I could've helped you with Jack. Evan and Jaci would be best friends...I know it!

Sheri said...

I meant Jack not Jaci. Sorry!