Here are some random Baby Jack facts:
- He does not slow down. At all. He is non-stop action.
- He loves books, but you have to read quickly, because he turns the pages very fast! He also likes to put his foot on the pages while you read. His current favorite is Mr. Brown Can Moo.
- He will only eat eggs if they have hot salsa on them. (Must have been all the spicy food I ate when I was pregnant and breast feeding!)
- He can unscrew caps. He can take the safety stops out of our outlets. He is getting very dangerous.
- He is obsessed with cats and dogs, but especially cats. We finally realized, he has been saying cat for awhile, it just sounds like "tee tee." (Kitty?) When he sees a dog, he says "ruff ruff." (Although that sounds more like a high pitched squeal.) He has a small stuffed cat he loves to play with more than anything. I put in between the rails of his crib after he goes to sleep and night and you can hear him playing with it when he wakes up and finds it in the morning.
- He is a good sleeper. 10-11 hours each night and at least a 2 hour nap each day. Although, he did wake up last night around 12:30am with a cough (he has a bit of a cold) and decided it was morning and didn't want to go back to bed. Stuart brought him into our bed about 1:30am. I know, bad idea, but he argued that Jack kept smiling at him, so he had to! (He is putty in Jack's little manipulative hands.) He then sat between us, wide awake, for another 30 minutes or more, alternately grabbing our noses and saying "nose, nose."
That's enough for now. More to come later. I'll try to do some Christmas posts soon.
Evan does that every few weeks. He'll wake up in the middle of the night and assume it's morning. He'll climb out of his crib into our bed and take turns sitting on our heads.
Yet we still love him.
It's so good that you are documenting all of this about Jack. When he's older, you are going to love going back and looking at all of the pictures and reading about all of his milestones.
I love that he'll only eat eggs if they have salsa on them.
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