Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Singing Little Bunny Foo Foo

OK, this just cracks me up. As I mentioned, I've been singing Little Bunny Foo Foo with Jack. (Yes, I realize there are a handful of you out there who don't know the song, but it's not my fault you've been living under a rock!) Anyway, Jack is very funny about the song. He won't look at me when I do the song and acts uninterested, but he always stops what he is doing when we get to the part about bopping the field mice on the head and laughs because I bop him on the head. Lately, when I do the song, if I pause in the middle, he will help me finish it the way he wants. (Try to ignore my awful voice.)


Sheri said...

That's too cute. I love it when he grabs your hand!

Evan made me watch the video 10 times. NOt kidding.

LauraB said...

That's great - your kid HELPS you bop him on the head. I was singing that to him when I kept him and he looked at me and smiled - his look said, "Hey, YOU know that song, too?"