Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Few Words From Our Sponsor


LauraB said...

Cute, cute, cute!!!

(P.S. Peek-a-boo, Stuart, I see you!)

Kim said...

He's got a lot on his mind, and he wants to tell you all about it. I love babies. They are so cute.

Sheri said...

There's parts of that where is sounds like a choo-choo train. I love his fast breathing. Sooo cute.

Anonymous said...

I was hiding my boxer shorts they have hearts on them and I didn't want anyone to see

Nervous Nellie said...

as da doo ah grrrr da da ach ba waaaa goy ga ga uh ba!!
(I agree with everything Jack said. Get him to translate my response)
Elaine (Laura's sister)