Friday, July 11, 2008


Yes, I am the mother of a bald baby. I always look enviously at babies with hair. We always assumed Jack would be a curly headed baby: Dad has thick curly hair (basically he has a fro!) and I have some natural curl. Jack was actually born with hair, it was curly and a little reddish, but that was gone soon and I know it will be awhile before he really has anything that can be called hair. You see, he takes after the Lambson family. Lambson babies are usually bald until they are 2! Jack is 10 and a half months and is just now getting a little fuzz going. I tried my best last night to coax the little that he had into something that was visible. I kinda like the results.


LauraB said...

Cool mohawk - Logan has one, too!

Sheri said...

He's the coolest kid around :)

Evan had hardly any hair at age 1. He got his first real haircut today.

Kim said...

Joe was pretty much totally bald his first year and a half. He was also pretty pale and had a nice round shape to his head. Some of my family started calling him "Casper".

I like Jack's doo. It looks a little like Xander's on Sheri's blog. Maybe you could put a little purple in his too.

Jamie said...

I love baby mohawks - they're so cute. It most totally be a Lambson baby thing with the hair. Lexi's didn't really start growing until after she was 1. There's hope for Jack yet!