Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hungry, Hungry Baby

Jack has many toys to keep him entertained. Stuart and I were lucky enough to have some very generous folks who threw us 3 baby showers before he was born. A very wonderful Dr. Seuss shower thrown by my sister Charlotte, a nice couples shower for the 2 of us thrown by George and Cinda, and a generous shower thrown by my team at work. In addition, Stuart and I have bought this kid many stuffed animals. And, let's not forget all of you who spoiled him rotten at Christmas time! My point is, he has tons of toys, but is at the point that he is content with anything he can bite. He loves to eat the sleeves on my robe, his socks, his own feet, or your nose if you get too close. He is only interested in how he can tear things apart and get them into his mouth. He recently figured out how to pull down the toys on the mobile above his swing. He also can take his cute little floor mats and tear them apart so he can get the individual pieces in his mouth. If his walker is in range of the clothes hamper, he will chew on dirty laundry (really gross, I know.) He has these great Dr. Seuss finger puppets that he goes all cannibalistic on, chewing on their little heads or their feet. This poor little sneetch never stood a chance...

So, why bother with toys anymore?


Kim said...

I read somewhere that babies learn about the environment around them by putting things in their mouths. He is going to be one smart boy!

Becca said...

I love Jack! Mel giggled when we came to this blog - I think she likes Jack too.

Sheri said...

I'm with Kim. The kid's a genius!

Teresa said...

Good, maybe he can get a scholorship for college, cause I don't know how else he can go!