Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ladies Man

Yesterday, my girlfriend Sarah came by to do some scrap booking. Since neither of us has done any since our kids were born last year, we were long overdue. We had to get some pics of the kids together. Her little girl is so cute and very active (note, it is time for me to baby proof the house!) Savannah is 11 months old, while Jack is just over 6 months old. He is a big kid by comparison.
Look at how he is already irresistible to the ladies!


Charlotte said...

Jack is HUGE!! Where does he get his big head from?

Kim said...

I love the picture. Jack is such a cutie, of course he is a ladies man.

Becca said...

Wow, next to the 11 month year old, Jack looks so BIG! I have no doubt that Jack will continue to a ladies man - he is absolutely adorable. I'm a huge fan.

Becca said...

Do you like how I typed "month year old" - yeah that's pretty bad!

Tim said...

Becca was watching TV when she wrote those last comments - forgive her.

Teresa said...

the challenge of multi-tasking...I understand! I do much of my blogging with one hand while trying to entertain Jack!

Sheri said...

That picture of the two babies is hilarious. The look in Jack's eyes cracks me up!