Monday, July 26, 2010

Weird and Wacky Jack Fact #7

Jack loves eggs. LOVES them. He likes to hold the carton at the grocery store. He likes to crack them. Of course, he doesn't actually like to eat them...unless I scramble them and put salsa on top. I always catch him trying to take them out of the refrigerator. He is so silly.

For the record, I have never made brownies from scratch. (I use a nice boxed mix.) He is quoting the cookie recipe. We make cookies all the time.


Anonymous said...

Jack is awesome. Eggs really are very interesting.

Becca said...

Perfect, train him to peel boiled eggs - it'll save you time. And if he doesn't eat them you won't wonder why you boiled 18 eggs and ended up with 15 and half after the peeling.

Sheri said...

I love the part where he pretends to eat the eggs. Can Jack come over and play sometime? I'm home all day Mondays.

LauraB said...

I believe he does love eggs - he was ready to turn on Iron Man for eating one!!

Teresa said...

That sounds great Sheri. Give me a call and I would love to set something up with you.