Friday, July 23, 2010

Blogger Problems

I have so much that I want to share about little Jack, but it is difficult to do. Taking pictures or video of him is almost impossible, because he wants to be the photographer. This video shows just a portion of one of his tantrums because he wanted to hold the camera.

Before you think I am the worst mom in the world, let me explain that I did let him use the camera. This tantrum started when I told him his time was done. Apparently, he didn't agree.


Becca said...

I don't think you are the worst mom - he did not say please! Both Melanie and Valorie were fascinated with this video.

Sheri said...

have you thought about getting him one of those kid cameras? I'm not sure how expensive they are but my mom got Anna one and she loves it. Just a thought - it's pretty durable.

My favorite part is when you ask him not to bite your butt :)