Monday, September 28, 2009

He might know more than we realize...

I have been wanting to do a post about Jack's talking (or lack thereof) for awhile, but I wanted to capture some of it on video first. After a couple of months of trying, I realize he will not cooperate, so I will just do this without the video.

I have been worried lately that Jack doesn't seem to be as verbal as other kids his age. Stuart thinks I am crazy because the boy is clearly more focused on motor skills and thinks I should give it more time. But, I keep reading about kids his age who can string 3 words together now and it is a rare instance when we get 2. At his 2 year check up, his doctor said that at this age it isn't so much about sentences as we should be able to understand about 25% of what he is saying. Which we don't. I was advised to wait a couple of months because this is the time where his verbal abilities should explode. But, it is hard not to worry.

Lately, however, we are beginning to think that Jack knows much more than he lets on. I'll give you a few examples:
  • A couple of weeks ago, when I went to Jack's crib to get him up in the morning, I was wearing a shirt that said true love all over it. Jack looked at it, and pointed to the "e" and said "e" and then pointed to the "o" and said "o." I was shocked.
  • A couple of months ago, Stuart was reading to Jack in bed and was counting for him. When he periodically paused after a number, Jack would jump in and supply the next number. (Up to the number 8.) He won't count on his own, but does do this on occasion.
  • Once, when getting Jack up after his nap, he kept calling for daddy. I asked him "Where is daddy?" and he looked at me and said, "I don't know."

So, maybe there is hope. Maybe he is smarter than he lets on. Maybe he just doesn't feel a need to say much. But, I can't help but worry anyway...that's my job and it never ends.


Heather said...

I am totally the same way about worrying about all of the little things. Being a mom is definitely more rewarding and worrying than anything I have done before. So once you figure out a strategy for not over worrying about every little thing let me know how you do it. In the meantime I will be worrying about Hunter babbling more.

Sheri said...

Max didn't talk normal until he was almost 3. And then it was in complete sentences.

As a mom it's our job to worry. But don't worry too much - Jack is obviously smart. How did he learn those letters? That's AWESOME!

Becca said...

I have a lot to say on this subject - being a SLP and all. Right now we'd like Jack to be using 50 words on his own and putting two words together; however; professionals don't like to say much before three years old becuase there are so many children that "grow out of things" by age three. It is typical to have a quiet child that starts speaking more at three. It's hard to say whether he has a problem without talking to him, but if it were me I was worried I would continue to talk to my doctor about it. I would also pursue services as they can only help Jack; they won't hurt him. DDD (Division of Developmental Disabilities) is who you should contact in Arizona - I think, to get services for children under three. There are things you can do at home too - I just send you an email - I started "therapy" with Mel and Val their first month of life.