Monday, March 9, 2009

Hurry Home Dad

Last night we took Stuart to the airport for his trip to China. He will be gone a full week and I am not looking forward to it. I know it's only a week, but I cried. Being alone with Jack will be challenging and exhausting, but the bigger issue is that I will miss Stuart so much. We really just love being together and it's not the same without him around. (I know this isn't the greatest picture, but I could not get one where they looked good together...Stuart kept making faces.)


Sheri said...

I would feel the same way if Ian left...

Hopefully you can keep busy and the week will fly by!

LauraB said...

So, fly up to Idaho for a few days!!

Heather said...

I think that the best part of being married is having someone that you love being with and enjoy being around. I can never understand people who always need to get away or have a break from your spouse. Hopefully the week goes by quickly.