Saturday, March 21, 2009


This pic is from Friday morning. Jack woke up at 5:40am on Friday and Stuart was too tired to deal with it, so he put him in bed with us. However, I couldn't go back to sleep. They both slept in very late. I thought it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

When it comes to sleeping, we have been lucky, we know this. At least for the most part. From very early on, Jack slept through the night. He was even sleeping 4-5 hours at a stretch from 2 weeks old. Seriously. We did have the challenge that he slept in our bed until he was 8 months old, but that was more our fault because we didn't want to let him out of our sight. Once I stopped breast feeding, we were able to teach him to go to sleep on his own fairly quickly and he would sleep from 7:30pm-6:30am, usually. This last week has been a challenge. When he wakes during the night, he won't go back to sleep unless I hold him first. Last night he kept climbing out of his crib. He was fast too. He could get out and appear in our room before the alarm went off in his room. Stuart tried taking his bumper out so he couldn't climb on it, but he managed to get out anyway. After that he was hysterical every time I tried to lay him down. It took me almost an hour to figure out that he didn't want to sleep in there without the bumper. Once I put it back in, he stopped crying immediately, and even started giggling. Who knew he was so attached to that thing?


Kim said...

That picture is beautiful. They look so peaceful.

I remember it taking me forever to get Joe to go to sleep, but once he was, he looked like such a little angel, that I always wanted to wake him back up ( I didn't though).

LauraB said...

Makes me smile!

Sheri said...

Love that picture.

We have the same problem with Evan. Now that he can climb out sometimes I will find him sitting on my head at 2 am. Let me know if you figure out what works to get them to go back to sleep!