Monday, August 25, 2008

Jack is 1 year old

Friday, Jack turned one year old. I really can't believe it has been a whole year since he was born. For those of you who don't know, we really did some major celebrating in our house last week: my birthday was the 21st, Jack's was the 22nd, and Karen's was the 23rd. Not only are the girls with us for these events, they also have a friend who came down this week as well, so we have a house full of teenagers! We gave Jack a couple of gifts the morning of his birthday, but the rest of the evening was a celebration for Karen. Since Jack's birthday party was Saturday, we wanted to ensure we dedicated some time specifically to Karen's 14th birthday celebration. Anyway, there are a ton of pics and video that I want to post, but I will have to do it in stages, because I am just too lazy to sort through everything right now.
I'll start with the presents Jack got from his us on the morning of his birthday. He really wasn't all that interested in opening them and it took some coaxing to convince him to do it.

OK, let's try again...

He finally did open them and he even seemed to like them!


LauraB said...

What a beautiful smile!

Loved the party - he was so much fun to watch! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JACK!!

Sheri said...

I love that last picture - he looks so cute in those pj's.

Happy Birthday Jack! and Karen! and Teresa!

Jon said...

What a happy kid...I don't see the gas powered motorcycle he told me he wanted. What gives...

Sandy said...

He has your smile Teresa---when you were a baby you smiled all the time!