Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Only a Little Jealous

Jack adores his dad. Anytime he does something new and I ask him where he learned it, he tells me his dad taught him...even when that isn't the case. Lately, Jack refuses to kiss me. He offers hugs instead. If I do convince him to kiss me, he offers me his cheek, never his lips, and then promptly wipes the kiss off his face. His dad, however, always gets a kiss. In fact, if dad starts to head out the door in the morning without one, Jack cries. And if his dad tries to kiss him anywhere but the lips, Jack gets upset. What the heck is that about?!

I'm not jealous. Not really. I mean, I am still the only one he wants when he is hurt or upset, but his dad is his hero and always will be...I just can't compete with that. And really, I love watching them together.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

I love that picture :)