Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jack's First Pet

Jack really wants a dog, but Stuart is allergic, so we have been trying to come up with a suitable alternative. Stuart has been pushing for a fish for awhile, which I opposed. Only because it is a very poor substitute for a dog. If Jack can't pet it and hold it, there really doesn't seem to be much point. After months of discussion, last Friday night, at the end of our date, Stuart and I found ourselves in a pet store, and we walked out with a fish. Since Jack was asleep when we got home, (way to go Chloe...she is an awesome babysitter!) we set up the tank to surprise Jack in the morning.

Jack kept telling us, "Thank you. It's just what I ever needed." (He gets "ever" confused with "always.") I don't have a good picture of the fish, but it was early Saturday morning and I hadn't consumed any caffeine yet.

Jack loves his fish.

He does continually put his hands in the tank. I give the fish about a week.


Sheri said...

Did Jack name the fish?

LauraB said...

Is Fish still with us?

Teresa said...

Yes Sheri, we named him "Fish." And surprisingly, he is still with us.

Kim said...

I'd say a fish is a good first pet. They don't shed or pee on your floor. Jack is so cute.