Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Conversations with Jack #6

While driving in the car today, Jack asked if we could get some chicken stars. I responded that I didn't know if the store had any chicken stars left, but we could check and if they didn't, I would make him something else for lunch at home. (Really, I just didn't want to stop at Carl's Jr....I had too much to do.) Jack then picked up my phone and made a pretend call. Here is what I overhead:

Hello? Chicken star man?


Do you have any more chicken stars?


Oh, great. Can you save me some chicken stars?


Thank you.

I love that he actually paused for the "chicken star man" to answer!


Sheri said...

So...did he get his chicken stars?

Kim said...

Love it. He cracks me up.

jaust.me said...

Smart. Smart kid.