Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

It is apparent that I am struggling over this daily blogging thing. We just have too much going on these days. Oh well, I'm doing the best I can. Here is the latest Jack news. We had our annual Lambson family Easter picnic on Saturday. Jack liked grabbing for the eggs, but didn't want to put them in the basket, and couldn't be bothered with more than one at a time. Oh well, more for the other kids. We have more pics of the egg hunt, but most of them prominently feature my butt, so I won't post those. (Mental note: don't let Stuart take the pics next year!)

Jack really enjoyed the piano at my cousin's home. I have come to the conclusion, however, that taking Jack to family functions is often more work than I am up for doing. He is so excited about being in a new place that he has to investigate everything. It's exhausting for mom and dad.

We had over an hour drive to get home, so Jack amused himself in the car by pulling his socks of with his teeth and then getting frustrated when he couldn't get them back on by himself.

Sunday morning he got his Easter basket.

He was really only interested in the foil wrapped eggs.

He was even more excited when he figured out there was chocolate under the foil.

I keep trying to capture video of Jack talking, but he normally refuses to do so on camera, so this is the best I could do.

BTW, I got some great board books for Jack that explain the real meaning of Easter. I love them. Jack thinks they are ok, but still prefers his monster book at the moment. What are you gonna do? I am trying my best to ensure he doesn't grow up thinking holidays are all about what you get.


Sheri said...

I don't blame Stuart - you have a very nice butt (not that I was looking or anything..)

I loved seeing Jack in action :)

LauraB said...

OK, I had this great comment I wanted to make about Jack and then I read Sheri's comment and my mind went blank.

Becca said...

Melanie also is content with one egg and doesn't add any to her basket, unfortunately that means all the other kids feel sorry for her and she ended up with the most eggs in the end.
In order to keep Easter more about our Saviour and less about eggs, we do all the egg stuff on Saturday and leave spiritual things for Sunday. Although we did watch Ben Hur on Sunday... Oh well, Mel loves Jesus, so it's not hard to keep her focused on Him, fortunately.

Teresa said...

Thanks Sheri...I think...

Kim said...

Now you are going to have to get a piano so Jack can explore his interests. He looks like he's a natural.

I love the picture of him pulling his sock off.