Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Obsession

Jack is really into LEGO Ninjago these days. A couple of weeks ago, I had to go to San Francisco for work over a weekend. The day before I left, I bought Jack a LEGO Ninjago shirt that I found at Walmart and surprised him with it when I picked him up from school that day. He insisted on putting it on the second he got home. (And, he had to change his pants so that he could wear them with his jeans.) Doesn't he look happy? He wore them to school the next day (as I got on a plane to leave for California that same morning.) 2 days later, when I returned home, I found him wearing the same outfit. I guess it was a hit.


Sheri said...

Evan and Josh love Ninjago too. There's a show on Cartoon Network and they make me tape it every week.

Kim said...

too cute!