Tuesday, July 5, 2011


After much debate, Stuart and I had all but decided against taking Jack to see fireworks. It is HOT and we didn't want to drive somewhere, park a long way away, walk in the heat to a park, then sit in the heat waiting for a show. We thought we would just drive Jack around in the car and see what we could see from the air-conditioned comfort of our car. Well, a few of our neighbors decided to go up to Anthem Saturday night to see the fireworks. They assured us they knew a place to go and park...further away from everything, but still with a great view. They let us know the kids could play in the grass, but we would be nowhere near the carnival so we wouldn't have to worry about Jack begging for treats and kiddie rides. Stuart and I discussed it, but were not convinced it was something we wanted to do. Jack, hearing our conversation, felt otherwise. He was so excited we had to go. He was, literally, bouncing around the house in anticipation.

Jack picked out a special outfit for the occasion. Apparently, he felt a celebration of America's independence was more of a formal affair than we did.

First thing he put on was his tie.

Then, his shirt. Backwards. He was more than a little frustrated that I insisted on taking his picture before helping him turn his shirt around the right way.

He even insisted on a belt. Although, his only belt did not match, I thought it was too cute to make him change.

The kids had a blast and ran around like crazy waiting for the fireworks.

Stuart took a few pictures.

Since they lasted till almost 10:30pm, Jack was a little tired and was asleep the second we got him in the car.





Sheri said...

I love it! It's funny - my mom, dad and I took Evan to see fireworks Saturday night and he could care less. We were way more impressed than him.

Kim said...

I love Jack in his tie. That is too funny.

jaust.me said...

You have gotten really good at those strategic dots! He is so adorable.