Sunday, June 20, 2010

Baby Rabbit

I grew up in Arizona, before the building and development took over most of the state. I loved being able to explore and experience nature when I was a kid. One thing I love about our home is that it still offers a rural experience for Jack. We are surrounded by mountains. There are tumble weeds everywhere and plenty of wildlife. We see lizards, quail, rabbits, and snakes all the time. I have even had javelina cross the road in front of my Jeep.

Yesterday morning, one of the workers installing our sun screens let us know there was a baby rabbit in our pool. He had clearly been there for quite some time and was out of energy to keep afloat. Stuart fished him out and we attempted to nurse him back to health. Jack was eager to get him food and water and take care of him.

He didn't want to leave the bunny alone, so we set up his temporary home outside of a window so Jack could keep an eye on him while the bunny got some rest.

I was a little worried because the last bunny we found in the pool was already dead when we pulled him out, so I didn't want Jack to be upset if he didn't make it. He seemed to be doing better when we left for a birthday party. When we returned, the rabbit was gone. Jack was so excited that he helped make him better so he could hop away. (I was relieved.)

I know it is only a matter of time before Jack starts bringing animals home. I might not like this area as much when that starts.


LauraB said... picture the same scenario with a baby snake...EEEWWWW!!

Sheri said...

First of all, I LOVE Jack's outfit - t-shirt, underwear and boots. AWESOME.

When Xander was younger he was always catching animals (come to think of it he still is). I remember one time he picked a snake up by the tail. We had to ban him from watching Crocodile Hunter and Jeff Corwin for a while.

Becca said...

Well, it looks like your are already teaching him to treat animals with respect and love - he'll do fine!

Melanie wants to hold a baby rabbit. Lately the only animals we play with are starfish, crabs, urchins and anemones. Bunnies are SO much more soft!