Thursday, August 13, 2009

Family Trip

Yesterday, we took a day trip to Sedona. I love it there. It's so beautiful and peaceful. I love to hike and camp; the rest of the family, however, are not really what you would call "outdoorsy." (Is that even a real word? Anyway...) You know, teenagers really prefer a mall to anything else, so we tried to keep the trip short to avoid complaints. But, Stuart wanted to show our visiting niece some of the wonderful things Arizona has to offer and I am determined to help Jack learn to appreciate nature, so the trip was a must. We took it easy on the girls and did not make them hike. (We knew we were dealing with limited patience.)

Family picture near Bell Rock.

More realistic family picture near Bell Rock. Note that Jack is crying because he found 2 empty beer cans in the parking lot and wanted to play with them. He was less than happy when we denied him his request.

All the girls.

Jack loved the red dirt. Whose bright idea was it to put him in a white shirt that day? Oh, yeah, that was me. Stupid mom.

Oak Creek was Jack's favorite. He loved chasing fish and throwing rocks. He especially loved throwing mud at his family.

How many people does it take to keep a crazy boy from drowning? A lot.

Yes, I am barefoot here. I told you I grew up camping. I'm not quite as delicate as I appear. Besides, I really hate shoes anyway.

Climbing back up to the road with Jack. (still barefoot) Note Karen is at the top and is very proud that she found Heather's missing flip flop that floated down the creek. Hmmm...maybe being barefoot was the way to go...I'm just saying.

Trying to change a boy who really likes being naked is a challenge.

Finally, some pics of me and my baby. Isn't he the best?

I'll make a camper out of him yet. (While dad stays at the nearest hotel...hee hee.)


Sheri said...

I love the bottom picture of you two.

I've been wanting to visit Sedona with the kids for awhile. It looks like so much fun!

LauraB said...

I discovered the secret to getting a picture of Heather and Karen - distract them with Jack!!

Kim said...

Sedona is gorgeous. It looks like you got to have some fun family time. I too love the bottom picture of you and Jack.