Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Baby in the Mirror

Jack, like most babies, loves mirrors. Sorry for all the background chatter. Stuart keeps pointing out that all of our videos feature my very loud voice...I just can't help myself.


Charlotte said...

He is so cute! You know if you check back on all your comments, I wonder how many "he is so cute" there are? Hundreds I'm sure.

Teresa said...

Even he thinks he cute! Look at him kissing himself in the mirror!

Sheri said...

I love it! When you said "Jack" I love how he immediately looks up for you. So cute.

Kim said...

So cute. Kids are the best.

Sheri said...

FYI I changed my blog address to: ourinbetweendays.blogspot.com

Annoying, I know.

Becca said...

Teresa! Alas I have been "out" for awhile and have missed so many cute Jack moments - I just love him and all the recent posts. I hope he and Mel will be great friends! SO ADORABLE!

Brian said...

I love that I can see Scrubs on the tv in the mirror. I love that show.