Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm It!

OK. Normally I ignore the tagging, but I thought I would play along since it came from my cousin Sheri. I figured if she can do almost daily posts to her blog while managing a houseful of young boys, I could find time to do it, with just one little boy to look after. So, here are my six random things about me:

1. I love to travel. Over the years I have had to do a lot of domestic travel for work, but found I really didn't have the time to explore the places I was visiting. So, Stuart and I have really made an effort to visit places we haven't been to before when we vacation. We have a list of places to see in the world and want to visit as many of them as we can. We have climbed the pyramid in Chichen Itza in Mexico, walked the Great Wall and visited the Forbidden City in China, had dinner overlooking the skyline in Hong Kong, explored the black sand beach in Maui, been to Niagra Falls, and hiked the Grand Canyon. (OK, those last 2 were relatively easy for us as they are home town items for each of us!) Our view of the world changes as we experience different places and cultures. We really want Heather, Karen, and Jack to learn that same appreciation for the world and our differences.

2. I collect children's books. My sisters bought me the first one, The Cat in the Hat for my 25th birthday because they knew I loved Dr. Seuss and thought I should start my collection. Then, when taking a Children's Literature class in college, I added quite a few unique books to the collection. I am really excited about sharing my favorite stories with Jack as he grows up. I hope he will learn to love reading the way that I do.

3. I am a total klutz. For those who know me, this is not news. I am always tripping over myself, banging into walls, etc. Stuart will frequently ask me how I got a particular bruise (there is always at least one,) but I never know. I guess I am just used to it and don't even notice anymore.

4. I hate closed toed shoes. I have tons of flip flops and sandals. Even in cold weather I prefer these to my running shoes and boots. I believe toes should be free! I have often been teased for wearing flip flops in the snow.

5. I talk during movies/TV shows. I know, I know, I am one of those people everyone hates. I don't do it loudly enough in a theater for anyone other than Stuart to hear, so I am only bugging him. It makes him crazy, but I have to share my theories and reactions out loud. You should hear me watching Lost, it is sad. Usually, Stuart is patient with me on this issue. I think we need TIVO.

6. I hate raisins. However, I do love raisin bran cereal, the only place I like them. I know, I'm odd that way. They are just humiliated grapes (movie reference...Mo would know the one!) And who decided it was ok to put them in a cookie? They do not belong there!

That's it for me. Likely more than you wanted to know. I tag no one. If you want to post your own list, feel free! If not, don't!


Sheri said...

First let me say that Jack keeps getting cuter (I know I always say that but it's true!). I'm with you on the closed toe shoes. I also would love to travel - as soon as the kids get older. I'm jealous - I'd LOVE to see the Great Wall and Hawaii, and any of those places :)

Kim said...

I'm jealous of the traveling too. That is something I would love to do.

I also love Children's books. 2 of my favorites are: The sheep made a leap, and Pinkalicious. Ok, I have lots of favorites, those are just 2.

I also talk too much during tv and movies. It must be a pain for Brian to watch lost with me. He's sweet to put up with it though.

And, I agree it is just wrong to put raisins in cookies!

LauraB said...

So here's the question - if you talk during movies/shows, how do you REALLY know what's going on? If you're talking over the dialogue, don't you miss some important information? Just curious!

Teresa said...

OK Laura, now you sound like Stuart when he is less than patient with my talking....

I'll have to check out those books Kim, as I'm always looking to add to my collection. I'd still like to read one that you have written!

Brian said...

Kim, I would too!