Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just for Papa

When Jack was first born, my dad had to get him his first little hunter cap. It took awhile for him to grow into and we have since added a whole camouflage sleeper. So, these pics are just for Jack's Papa...

This could indicate he isn't thrilled with the idea of hunting.....


LauraB said...

Or it could mean - "What am I doing in this fashion stuff they pass off as camo - where's the REAL stuff from Cabela's?? I want some Mossy Oak camo!"

Love, Papa

Teresa said...

You know, it really is effective camo, just for a different purpose. Look how it makes our chubba bubba baby look so slim.

Sheri said...

He kind of looks like Ryan in those pictures. I love the camo, by the way :)