Friday, September 3, 2010

Jack Goes to the Doctor

Lately Jack has been obsessed with going to the doctor. I'm not sure why, but for months now he has been telling me he is sick and needs to go to the doctor. He is insistent that the doctor is necessary to fix anything and everything. Just last week he told me he hurt his foot and he needed to go to the doctor so the doctor could give him a new foot. He does this all the time; it is hysterically funny. Yesterday, when I announced we were going to the doctor for his 3 year old check up, however, he informed me that he didn't want to go to the doctor. Huh?

Well, with a little coaxing, I got him to the doctor. And surprise, surprise...he was an ANGEL. He followed all of the instructions, did everything asked of him. He also got a shot and did not cry. He was awesome. They were so impressed at the changes since they saw him at his 2 year check-up. I assured them, this is not usual. Yes, he has calmed down a lot since last year, but not this much. Of course, he had to call his dad after the visit to tell him everything that happened.

His stats: 37.5 lbs. (94%) and 41 inches tall (99+%)

I'm so proud of my growing boy!


Anonymous said...

Well done Jack. He sounds as fit as a fiddle (or maybe an ox, in his case). Nice stats.

Sheri said...

Good job Jack! Maybe you could give Evan some pointers?

LauraB said...

What a good boy!!! (Did you tell him Papa had to go to the hospital and get fixed by the doctor? Maybe that's where he picked it up.)

Teresa said...

Laura, I think it started last Christmas when I got pnemonia, since I was sick such a long time. Ever since he has been obsessed with illness and asks for medicine and doctors all the time. He was VERY concerned when I told him about papa which is why he insisted we drive down right away to give him medicine.