Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Daddy Love

Jack adores his dad. He loves to spend time with him. One of their favorite activities is playing video games. Jack is not bad for his age. He is certainly better than I am. Last month we played a racing game and Jack was able to cut my time in half...and that is without steering...he just drove while scraping the sides of the course and he still beat me. So, I guess this will just be a father/son activity. I'm completely okay with that.
We're still working with Jack on the concept of patience. It alludes him right now.
Stuart is currently in China for a week and I know this is absence is going to be hard on Jack...and me.


Kim said...

Ok, that video is awesome.

I love the pictures of Stuart and Jack.

Sheri said...

That clip reminded me so much of Ian and Evan. It's nice when dads like to do things that moms don't.