Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jack Loves Us Too Much

Everyday, by late afternoon, Jack has this need to be close to his parents. It isn't enough to just be in the same room as us, or sitting next to us, he actually needs to sit on us. Usually, I take the brunt of this obsessive love. Luckily, it was all directed at his dad the other night. Nice change for me!


Kim said...

That first picture is awesome. The look on Stuarts face just says it all, and Jack looks so happy.

I still say it's better to be loved too much than not at all.

Joe doesn't sit on my any more, but he still likes to be in the same room as me ALWAYS and I hear "Mooooom" about 100 times a day. But you know, I will really miss that when he's all grown up and moved away.

Amelia and Erik Lambson said...

That is so cute! Aurora is really into hugging her mommy and daddy recently and I love it!

Sheri said...

That kind of love never ends. If I'm sitting down I have a child sitting on, on top or next to me.

LauraB said...

Jack is clearly enjoying himself!!