Saturday, March 27, 2010


I know I haven't posted much lately. It's especially frustrating because I have so much to report on right now, but we have been very busy. Both of the girls were here for spring break, but since Heather is now in college, they no longer have spring break at the same time. In late February, early March, we had Heather, her girlfriend, and our niece all in town. 3 days after they left, Karen and her friend were here for close to 2 weeks. Then, within 24 hours of Karen heading back to Canada, Stuart's parents arrived in town. So, I'm sure you can imagine the whirlwind of activity that has been going on over at our house. Anyway, I am going to try to catch up on the latest Jack news, but until then, please admire this adorable picture.


Sheri said...

I love the glasses - he looks so cool.

Kim said...

He does look cool.