Monday, June 2, 2008

2 crazy boys

Jack just goes crazy when Stuart comes home after work. He doesn't even have to see his dad; once he hears the front door open, he knows who is home and wants nothing more to do with his mom. I just love it.


Jon said...

Jack's cute and all but why would you ruin the picture by throwing Stewie in there? Also you need more posts about you guys to. I know Jack is your first born and all but let's get some more info about the family not just Jack.

Sheri said...

There's nothing better to me than seeing a boy with his dad. It melts my heart...

Sandy said...

Teresa that is such a cute picture---looks like you have 2 handsome men in your life!!!!

Teresa said...

Jon, you know the blog is called "watch Jack" for a reason...besides, your blog seems to be only about Logan and Lexie (and American Idol.)

Kim said...

Don't listen to Jon, we can never get enough Jack. I'm with Sheri, I love seeing my boys together.