Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy New Year

New Year's Eve has been low key ever since Jack joined our family. This year, we actually attempted to do something. Our neighbors down the street threw a very nice party. There was good food and the kids got to play while the adults hung out together. They have 6 year old twins that Jack just adores, so he was thrilled. Surprisingly, I wasn't tired and Jack was pretty good for being up so late past his bedtime, but alas, we had to call it an early night. They have a dog and Stuart's allergies got the best of him. So, we went home (Jack was NOT happy about this decision.) We toasted the new year with warm Sprite around 10pm and called it a night. I woke up at midnight to the sound of fireworks outside. I know, not very exciting, but trust me when I say it is an improvement on previous years.

If you are wondering what Jack is saying, he is saying Happy New Year in Chinese. I swear, I did not prompt him to do this, in fact, it took me awhile to figure out what he was saying. He got this from his favorite TV show, Calliou. In one episode, Calliou celebrates Chinese New Year with his friend for the year of the dragon. He has been obsessed with Chinese New Year ever since and asks to have Chinese New Year all the time. He especially wants to see the dragon.


Kim said...

Happy New Year!

Sheri said...

You know there's a place in Phoenix where there's a big Chinese market and authentic Chinese food. We went there with Ian's best friend (he went on his mission to China) for some festival and they had a big dragon. I think it's the Chinese Cultural Center.