Monday, May 10, 2010


I know I haven't posted in awhile. We have been busy trying to finish up lots of projects. In the last couple of weeks, we have painted the kitchen, sewn curtains for the master bedroom, worked on the murals in Jack's bedroom, finished the wall hangings for Jack's playroom, and planted a TON of stuff in the backyard. Whew! And we still have so much more to do. Jack is growing so much that I don't want to get too far behind on my reports, so I will try to do better.
This picture is from a couple of weeks ago. I woke up one morning and we had no coffee in the house. (That lousy housekeeper!) I decided to sneak out to pick some up before Stuart left for work. I did not say good-bye to Jack and he was not happy about it. He told his dad he had to go get me. Stuart told him he couldn't because, among other things, he "wasn't even dressed." So, Jack quickly got himself dressed so he could come after me. He can do most anything he sets his mind to do. I love that about him.


Sheri said...

So cute. Evan puts on underwear and pants backwards all the time. I love it.

Kim Horak said...

It seems like it would be harder to put them on backwards. Love the picture.