Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Out of Bed

A month ago, we moved Jack from his crib to a big boy bed. The transition went amazingly well. He never got out of bed. If he woke up, he would call to us to come get him, saying, "Mommy, I awake." He would let us know if he had to go to the bathroom and wait for one of us to come escort him out of bed. It was very nice.

But, around 5:30am today, everything changed. Stuart and I awoke to the sound of little feet running across our room, followed by Jack climbing into our bed and telling us he was awake. Stuart groggily told me, "The spell is broken." Uh-oh. I told Jack it was still night time and to go to sleep. He laid next to me for a minute and then told me he wanted his blanket. I told him if he wanted it, he needed to go get it out of his room. He did, returning enthusiastically a moment later. He tossed and turned next to us for about 10 minutes before he turned to me and said he wanted to sleep in his big boy bed. I told him, "OK, go get in your bed." He returned to his room, by himself, and slept another hour. I'm not sure about what the future holds for us now.
By the way, Jack is now sleeping with 12 doggies at night. They must all be at the foot of his bed, no closer. And, if he notices that any have fallen out during the night, he will try to reach them from his bed...if he can't, he calls to us to return them to their spot.


LauraB said...

Good job - you didn't make it "fun" for him to wake you up - might make him less likely to do it often!

Sheri said...

I agree with Laura. Evan did that a few times when we moved him to a bed but because we didn't get up with him he stopped.

Kim said...

I love that he sleeps with so many animals. Joe always did that too. He couldn't bear to leave anyone of them out.