We went out for breakfast this morning and Stuart noticed that Jack had 2 new bottom teeth. We swear they weren't there last night when we brushed his teeth. In fact, there were no signs of swollen gums on the bottom to hint at their arrival. Instead, we were anticipating the addition of 2 of his top molars (they are taking forever!) How did we miss these new ones? They just came out of nowhere. As for the molars, one is barely exposed and the other is just taking it's time. Current count: 9 teeth (with one due to arrive soon!)
This being said, why does my son still not want to feed himself?! I mean he has all of these beautiful teeth to use, but no, he can't be bothered with this new step. Instead, he waits for us to put everything in his mouth. And the table food he will eat one day will be flatly refused at the next feeding. Don't get me started on the bottle weaning. The first 4 days were great and then we hit a road block. The cup is fun to dump out and throw, but drinking? Who wants to do that? I swear we will be feeding this kid until he goes to kindergarten.
He's not even one - don't put his IQ equal to that of a plant yet! He'll feed himself when it suits him - that's kind of his attitude about everything!!
I agree with Laura.
Don't feel so bad about the bottle, I still occasionally give Evan one.
What a lucky guy! You take such good pictures! I love this one and the crazy sleeper picture! 9 TEETH! Did I mention that Mel is still working on the bottom two - Holy Cow!!
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