Just wanted you to see my little chubba bubba baby.
Kailee always said she preferred chubby babies, so we aim to please!
Tales of our crazy boy...
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. Many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.
-Mark Twain
I love that picture! He is getting so big!
That picture is too cute. I think I have one of Brian just like that, only it's not as cute. I wonder why that is.
Thanks Kim...:-(
Yea, I think there is an age limit to looking cute in your underwear watching tv. Apparently, Brian is over that age.
Ok, Brian got mad at me when I said I have a picture of him like that. I meant that he sits on the couch with the remote. That is where the similarities end. He does not do it in his underwear. I didn't mean for everyone to take that quite so literally.
I have a mental picture of Joe like that though, and he is definitely too old to be running around in just his underwear.
Too funny!
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