OK, you all know that Jack has shown signs of readiness for potty training for awhile. I put it off a few times, first because it was Thanksgiving, then because I was sick, and finally I realized there may never be a "right" time to start, so we dove into it.
After much reading, and lots of advice, I decided to go with the naked approach. Basically, it means Jack goes completely naked from the waist down for 3 days to help him through the process. We began during the long New Year's weekend. It started out great. We had only a couple of accidents and Jack was doing very well. Stuart was shocked and couldn't believe this might only be a 3 day process. After a day and a half, however, Jack was doing so well that he realized he could stand up and pee anywhere. After him peeing in his dump truck, the storage compartment of his bike, and finally opening the back door to pee onto the patio, we realized we were too distracted with other things to give it the proper attention, so we decided to wait a week and try again.
Well, I am still struggling with this. The plus side is Jack loves that he gets more naked time. He does great when he is naked, but when he wears underpants, he pees in them, and then gets upset. He has also taken to holding it in when he has to poop, so that isn't so good either. So, we are still trying, but slowly now. He absolutely knows what to do, but I think he is just too easily distracted. (Anyone who has spent more than an hour with him knows what I mean.) Yesterday, I promised to buy him a big tractor if he stopped using diapers and instead used the potty all the time. He said "no."
I welcome any and all suggestions!